The Open Con KASU satellite event is a workshop organize to introduce scholars to open access issues. The theme of the workshop is Open Access for advancing scholarly publication advancing scholars. the following are the objectives of the workshop,
(1) To introduces participants to Open Access publishing
- Conceptual clarity:
- Open Access
- Benefit of Open Access Publishing
(2) To introduce scholars to various tools for collaborative research
- Introducing participant to Social media tools for collaborative research
(3) To introduce Scholars to Open Access archiving tools for their publication
- To train Scholars on registering their digital identity on the various repository e.g (ORCID, Research gate, Academia.ed and Link in)
- To train researchers on uploading their Research Publication
The workshop is targeted to Scholars who are interested in embracing open access publishing to advance scholarship and research from Kaduna State University, Kaduna State Nigeria. Participant are academic staff selected from various department.