Emissão de Certificados
Para emitir o certificado de participação proceda da seguinte forma:
1. Preencha a pesquisa de feedback
2. Acesse a partir do dia 27/10/2016 e solicite a emissão de seu certificado.
Trabalhos Premiados
1º lugar: Promessômetro - Auditoria Cidadã e Avaliação de Sustentabilidade da Gestão Municipal
Autores: Brenno Silva; Daniel Macedo; Vinícius Rossi; Andreiwid Corrêa (orientador)
2º lugar: Percepções da inserção do projeto de robótica no processo de ensino-aprendizagem da rede municipal de ensino de Caraguatatuba
Autores: Bruno Reis; Ester Bittencourt de Carvalho Pinto; Hercules Pantojo; Ester Bittencourt de Carvalho Pinto; Rubia Costa; Denis Volva Lavinas de Souza; Ernesto dos Santos Neto; Ludervan Sanches Casemiro; Victor Ulisses Pugliese; Wlamir do Nascimento Martins; Marta Regina de Oliveira Braz (orientadora)
Trabalhos Aprovados
- Acesse a lista de Trabalhos Aprovados.
- Os trabalhos aprovados serão publicados no site
Federal Institute of Sao Paulo is proud to announce OpenCon satellite conference that will be held in Campus Campinas on October 21, 2016. There will have a rich agenda of activities such as keynote, seminars, workshops, panel discussions, and a lot of networking among specialists, students and early carrier researches. In this year’s event we expect +200 participants all over our region.
You are invited! Just apply for the activities (see agenda below or download here) or help us making a great event. You can propose an activity, be a volunteer or even support our event.
Promote your research (*Deadline extended until Oct 8th)
Call for Papers (instructions in Brazilian Portuguese)
Propose an activity
- Share your knowledge proposing an activity! If you are doing meaningful work to advance Open causes in your community, we deeply appreciate your help. Write us an e-mail and ask for information on how to propose an activity till August 31.
- We always need help! It’s an event made by passionate about Open causes. The will is the only requirement. So get involved and send us an e-mail offering your help.
Support OpenCon 2016 Campinas
- If you represent a company or an institution and see importance in our work, please consider being our sponsor and funding us. At this moment we don’t have any funding at all. It would be great if you help us by providing financial resources to cover refreshments, program printing costs, travel costs for speakers, conference badge holders, etc. Send us an e-mail and give you more details.
OpenCon around the World
“A great moment to build the momentum for Open Access, Open Education, and Open Data in our region”.
OpenCon is a platform for the next generation to learn about Open Access, Open Education, and Open Data, develop critical skills, and catalyze action toward a more open system of research and education. The objective is convening students and early career academic professionals from around the world, and serves as a powerful catalyst for projects led by the next generation, to advance OpenCon's three focus areas.
Now we have the opportunity to hold an OpenCon satellite conference, held in partnership with the main conference, here in Campinas. It will be the perfect opportunity to learn and get involved in the OpenCon community. Also we expect to stimulate the local progress on Open Access, Open Education, and Open Data while staying connected to a global movement.
“OpenCon satellite events are a critical part of the community. In OpenCon’s first year the satellite events reach double the number of the people as the main conference alone. Now almost 2000 people have attended over 40 satellite events in 25 countries”.