OpenCon 2016 Benin is a national event about Open Education. This will be a great step for Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4, and for the Benin Educational system.
The target audience will be: students, early career researchers, librarians, professors, publishers, activists in open data and open access, academics working in international partnerships or science policy, and the media.
The aims are of the event include:
- Introducing Open Education and Open Data
- Sharing information on building the capacity of the attendees on how to write blogs related to the field of education
- Working together to make a Twitter campaign in order to contribute in the education agenda in West Africa
The format would be an open panel discussion, with short introductory presentations to avoid lengthy slide presentations to keep an engaging atmosphere. Panelists will include experts as well as non-experts who would share their expectations. This will be followed by a workshop-like round table discussion involving all participants working in groups chaired by a member of the organizing team or an expert to moderate the discussion and take notes.
The focus would be on different aspects of Open Education: its importance, personal expectations, and what different members can do to reach such goals. The idea is to use this information to draft an open letter to the Education Ministry and the President of the Republic of Benin.
This event is endorsed by the Right to Research Coalition (R2RC), the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC). With our advocacy programs (radio show, twitter campaign, forum, meetings with the authorities), we are going to let our voices be heard so that the education system in Benin be adequate to international standard.
We will be the voice of the voiceless and our mission is to advocate and build the capacities of other young people so that they join our cause and we will become numerous.