You’re invited to join us for “OpenCon 2017 Live” to remotely participate in OpenCon 2017 in a meaningful way. Join us for a few hours, or a few days, from wherever you are to become an expert in Open Access, Open Data, and Open Education, build your network, and help accelerate progress.
OpenCon 2017 brings together leading student and early career academic professionals from around the world to learn, network and advance Open Access, Open Data and Open Education. Through our network of satellite events, we bring together hundreds more through dozens of events around the world. However, we know that for many who apply, attending an event still isn’t possible.
People attending OpenCon 2017 in person are expected to learn, build their network, and take action - and we want to enable the same for remote participants. You can do the same in some of the following ways:
Learn: OpenCon will have world class speakers and a high-quality live stream, enabling attendees to watch sessions in real time. There will also be several virtual pre-conference webcasts bringing all participants (in-person and virtual) up-to date with the issues.
Network: You can join the discussion on Twitter, and our do-a-thon action center, to share your thoughts.
Act: Remote participants will be able to ask questions, join discussions, and join the very first OpenCon do-a-thon.
Upon request, remote participants are eligible to receive official certificates of participation once feedback on participation is provided.