Grab a snack and gather around your laptop or TV to watch a documentary about Open Access, stream some of the highlights from past OpenCon meetings, or even watch the meeting live! Discussion after watching encouraged, but not necessary!
Suggested Video Content:
Stream OpenCon 2016 LIVE from November 12-November 14
OpenCon Introductory Webcasts
Open Access 101 (~1 hour)
Open Data 101 (~ 1 hour)
Open Education 101 (~1 hour)
Conference Talks
Wear Open On Your Sleeve - Mike Eisen, OpenCon 2015
Being Open as an Early Career Researcher - Erin McKiernan, OpenCon 2014
From “Open” to Justice - Audrey Watters, OpenCon 2014
Open Education in the Developing Country Context - Okafor Akachukwu, Project Presentation OpenCon 2015
YouTube Videos
Open Access Explained! (8 mins)
Open Access Policies: An Introduction from COAPI (2 mins)
Open Access - Why Open Science (2 mins)
Have a suggestion for a documentary, youtube video, or webinar related to Open Access, Open Data, Open Education, or Open Science? Submit a suggestion using this form, and we can add it to our website!
Interested in, or planning to host an OpenCon watch party?
Register to set up an event on the site, or to keep us posted on your activities!