If you haven't heard from us, don't worry yet. Due to the volume of applicants it takes a few days. We'll update this page when all decisions have been sent. You can keep checking back here for more information, and we'll be sure to post an update as soon as notifications go out. Please note that we will not respond to application status requests before then. See our FAQ for more details.
Actions to advance Open
Bring OpenCon to you
You can help build the movement by organizing. Satellites can be of any size, in any place, at any time and are open to anyone. They typically combine content, themes and ideas from the main meeting with locally arranged activities, and are a great way to get more involved.
Sign up for OpenCon Live
Even if you are not invited to attend in person, you can still participate remotely in OpenCon 2018 through OpenCon Live.
Catch up with OpenCon
All the videos, slides and more from previous events are online which means you can experiance OpenCon now!