The OpenCon 2015 Organizing Committee is involved in all aspects of the meeting, from creating the conference program to deciding which applicants are selected to attend. The Organizing Committee members are listed below:
Chair: Nick Shockey, USA: SPARC; Right to Research Coalition
Nicole Allen, USA: SPARC
Megan Beckett, South Africa: Siyavula Education
Kristofferson Culmer, USA by way of the Bahamas: University of Missouri, National Association of Graduate-Professional Students (NAGPS)
Koen Demaegd, Belgium: Belgian Medical Students Association (BeMSA)
Ivana Di Salvo, Italy: International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA)
Martin Paul Eve, UK: University of Lincoln (until 1st May 2015) then Birkbeck, University of London; Open Library of Humanities
Jonathan Gray, UK: Open Knowledge; University of London; University of Amsterdam
Arslan Inayat, Pakistan: President IFMSA-Pakistan
Prateek Mahalwar, Germany: Max Planck PhDnet, Max Planck Society
Joseph Mcarthur, UK: Right to Research Coalition; Open Access Button
Erin McKiernan, Mexico: Wilfrid Laurier University
Ross Mounce, UK: University of Bath; ContentMine
Meredith Niles, USA: Harvard University; University of Vermont (August 2015)
Erin Nordal, Belgium; European Students’ Union (ESU)
Slobodan Radicev, Italy, Serbia: University of Novi Sad; EuroScience
Iara Vidal P. de Souza, Brazil: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro / Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology
Jan Gondol, Slovakia: Ministry of Interior (advisor to the organizing committee)