Hosted in Toronto on November 2-4, OpenCon 2018 is designed to serve as a powerful catalyst for projects led by the next generation of scholars and researchers to advance Open Access, Open Education and Open Data. However, OpenCon is only possible with the support of established organizations and institutions with a commitment to openness in research and education.
OpenCon seeks to convene the most effective student and early career academic professional advocates—regardless of their ability to pay for travel costs. The majority of students and early career academic professionals who participate receive travel scholarships, enabling over 80 countries to be represented since 2014.
Whether its underwriting the meeting as a Leading Sponsor, hosting a coffee break, or simply sponsoring a student or early career participant to attend, your support and the support of other like-minded organizations are critical in ensuring OpenCon is a success.
Level of support: $20,000
- Invitation to propose a challenge to be addressed during the do-a-thon by the next generation leaders from across the world participating in OpenCon. Example of potential challenges include: How do we increase compliance with our open access policy? How can we effectively engage the next generation to make research more reproducible while making it more open? How do we close the gap in openness between STEM and the Social Sciences & Humanities? Challenges must be relevant to OpenCon’s core issue areas and are accepted at the discretion of the organizers.
- In consultation with the sponsoring organization, the OpenCon organizing team will help to structure the challenge, determine potential outcomes during and following OpenCon, and identify any additional opportunities to engage with the challenge beyond the do-a-thon (e.g. panels, workshops).
- Selection of challenge co-leads, two individuals selected from OpenCon’s applicant pool who will chair the challenge working group during the do-a-thon and provide a written summary of progress made on the challenge. Co-leads will receive a full scholarship to attend OpenCon.
- Blog post detailing progress made on the challenge for the sponsoring organization to distribute in a venue of their choice (or on the OpenCon blog if preferred) and crediting the sponsoring organization for making the conversation possible. Blog post will be written by co-leads.
- Opportunity to engage the OpenCon community on the challenge following the conference. Challenge sponsors will have the option of working with the organizers to encourage engagement with the challenge after the meeting, including a targeted message to the broader OpenCon community inviting them to get involved.
- Placement of sponsoring organization’s logo on the conference homepage and on any giveaways produced (e.g. t-shirt, tote bag)
- Two free conference registrations
- Statement of thanks at the opening and closing of the meeting