The inaugural OpenCon webcast How to Get Tenure* (*while practicing open science)” from Titus Brown provided a fresh perspective on how open research practices can benefit your career and started a lively discussion. To continue the conversation on this important topic, we’re happy to announce our first OpenCon webcasts series, “Open Research and Your Career”.
This Monday, June 1st, at 9am PDT/12pm EST/6pm CEST, Meredith Niles, a Giorgio Ruffolo Post-doctoral Research Fellow at Harvard University and the first recipient of the Right to Research Coalition Next Generation Leadership Award, will join us for a talk on “Using Open as a Selling Point for an Academic Career”. Meredith will walk us through how she uses being open as an asset throughout her career, notably in her recent Harvard appointment.
The following month on Tuesday, July 7th, at 9am PDT/12pm EST/6pm CEST, we’re inviting Ethan White, Associate Professor at the University of Florida and a Moore Investigator in Data-Driven Discovery to give a presentation entitled “On Success and Working Openly in Science”. Ethan will share his perspective on the risks and rewards associated with a career committed to open practices.
You can view both webcasts at, on this page or through the embedded YouTube links above. You can join the discussion and ask questions on Twitter with the hashtag #opencon. Recordings of each presentation will be available online immediately following the webcast at the same URLs. To ensure you don’t miss out on future online events and discussion, join the OpenCon discussion group below or add us to your calendar.
If you have suggestions for what you’d like to see on future OpenCon webcasts, please don’t hesitate to get in touch over twitter by tweeting @open_con or via email at Joe[at]
Finally, if you haven’t seen “How to Get Tenure* (*while practicing open science)” from Titus Brown, we encourage you to check it out as a jumping off point for this webcast series.

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