The June edition of our Community Call once again saw a great mix of old and new faces, ready to build on discussions started on our increasingly buzzing discussion list (new participants always welcome!) and Twitter.
We discussed how to make OpenCon 2015 bigger and better than last year. Call participants from India and Botswana highlighted the need to translate Open Access policy developments to the Global South, and it is exciting to see collaborations already forming between advocates who have found shared interests and priorities. Overall, ‘How To’-type sessions seem to be a priority for all those on the call. Callers from the USA and South Africa agreed that a priority should be grassroots Open Access policy development, including how to identify and engage key stakeholders. These are all great ideas, which will be channeled into the many OpenCon Satellite Events that will take place around the world, and it’s exciting to see how the community call is developing networks between likeminded peers who are continents apart.
It’s always great to get a general update on the open world, and this month was no different. Check out the agenda and minutes to hear what was said about Elsevier’s article sharing policy, the Open Textbook Summit and the CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication… it’s a lot to squeeze into an hour!
To catch up on everything said, check out the minutes from the call. Even better, you can listen to the recording.
We hope you’ll join us next month (July 29th, 11am EST, 4pm BST, 5pm CET) – bring your challenges, ideas, concerns, or if you just want to bring your ears, that’s fine too. We look forward to seeing you there!
This article, and the community call recording reflects the views of the author/participants(s) and not necessarily those of the Right to Research Coalition or SPARC.
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