Calling all OpenCon 2014 alumni! We need your help to review applications for OpenCon 2015. Last year we received over 1,700 applications, and this year we're expecting many more. This is exciting because it shows the momentum for advancing Open Access, Open Education and Open Data, but it will also take a lot of work to make sure each application gets the consideration it deserves.
Our call has closed! Thanks to all the OpenCon alumni who signed up!
Calling all OpenCon 2014 alumni! We need your help to review applications for OpenCon 2015. Last year we received over 1,700 applications, and this year we're expecting many more. This is exciting because it shows the momentum for advancing Open Access, Open Education and Open Data, but it will also take a lot of work to make sure each application gets the consideration it deserves.
This year we've designed a two-step review process to ensure that the most dedicated and qualified students and early career academic professionals are considered for acceptance at OpenCon 2015. The first step (which is where you come in) will be rating by OpenCon alumni, who will consider each application's overall strength and applicability to OpenCon's goals. Highly rated applications will then go on to be reviewed and considered for acceptance by the OpenCon Organizing Committee.
We hope that OpenCon 2014 alumni will consider devoting a few hours of their time to contribute to the OpenCon community in this unique way. While reviewing applications will not alter the chance of being accepted to attend OpenCon 2015, it provides a unique opportunity to participate in building OpenCon 2015 into a successful event.
Alumni who join the OpenCon 2015 Application Review Team and contribute at least 100 reviews will be recognized on a special page on the OpenCon 2015 website (we expect applications to average 400 words long).
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