OpenCon is calling on all alumni of our 2014, 2015 and 2016 in-person meetings to join the OpenCon 2017 Application Review Team. This team will review the applications of thousands of students and early career professionals who apply to attend OpenCon 2017, which will help the Organizing Committee select a highly engaged, diverse group of participants.
To sign up for the Application Review Team, simply log in (or create an account) below and select a goal for the number of applications you think you can review. On the next page, you will find more information and resources about reviewing, including the reviewer handbook and the option to sign up for an orientation call. Login information will be distributed by email during the week of July 10th.
The application review process will take place between July 10th and August 10th. We hope that everyone will volunteer as much time as they can to make OpenCon 2017 the best it can be.